Welcome to DJ Paul's Personal Webpage!!!


"...oh yeah, that would be cool!!!!"

Background Check:


- DJ Paul


Email: pauly@sndcntrdj.com


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Experience Counts!!!


When DJ Paul reviews his latest show with us, we all wish that we could have been there as guests to enjoy it too. His upbeat attitude, warm-hearted jocularity and masterful embellishing adds a sense of excitement to our weekly question, "how did your show go?"

DJ Paul's response hasn't let us down yet and from the positive feedback from his Customers, he hasn't let them down either! This has pretty much been the case since DJ Paul first started working for Dulles Sound Center DJs around 1999. We knew we had another Star DJ when the scheduling for the following year's Holiday Parties started coming in, we noticed that all of his previous Corporate Customers were requesting him to return for that year's parties.

One of DJ Paul's qualities is his ability to play a mix of music for a variety of ages. Although DJ Paul admittingly leans towards the Rock n Roll hits, his love for Motown, Disco, 80's Funk and 90's Dance music allows him to evenly spin the favorites for everyone. And he just as enthusiastically jumps into playing the Current Dance, Funk and Top 40 hits for his younger Customer's parties.

DJ Paul is experienced in Wedding Receptions, Corporate Functions and various adult and children parties. He can handle any of your emcee needs and has no problem getting out with the guests to lead them in a group dance or two. He enjoys speaking with his Customers before the party, to go over details and final requests, and always has an "I can do that for you" attitude during the event.

DJ Paul is fun, courteous, professional and energetic and we certainly appreciate him being on the Dulles Sound Center Team. For a lot of fun and dancing, hire DJ Paul as the best part of your party!!!

- Dulles Sound Center DJs Management

Copyright notice: Sound Center DeeJays, Sound Center DJs, the Sound Center logo and all text are copyrighted or a trademark of Sound Center DJs, Inc., 1996, 1999, 2000, 2003. © ® All Rights Reserved.

Last updated 01/05/2000