Karaoke Kourtesy

Everyone has his own philosophy about what the "rules" should be when it comes to karaoke. "RULES?", you may ask. "I THOUGHT THIS IS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!!". Well, of course it is, but you have to have walked in the shoes of a KJ to know that a few simple guidelines help make karaoke fun for everyone. Like I said before, everyone has an opinion, and here is mine:

1) Singers should only sign up for one song at a time. Picture yourself walking into a party or a bar where there is karaoke, and you really want to sing. So bad you can taste it (or is that the spinach dip?). You approach the KJ to add your name to the sign-up list, and you notice that this list is about 30 names deep, and most of those names are Joe. How discouraging! You are just as important as any other individual there, and you deserve equal time. The KJ should have enforced this rule for that very reason.

2) Never ask to be "bumped up" on the wait list. It's my opinion that a KJ should never try to make one person happy at the sacrifice of others--this can really bum out a number of other people who have been patiently waiting for their turn to sing. The sign-up list is there for a reason. You wanna sing--you get on the list. Sometimes at private parties, I'll grant the guest of honor (or whoever the actual client is) one to three "wishes", only because they will have the absolute best idea as to what the crowd would like to hear. Otherwise, I make it my goal to please as many people in the room as possible, which, in turn, pleases the client.

3) Be kind to the equipment. While karaoke is a toy, the equipment is not. Swinging or banging on the microphone is BAD!! Respecting the equipment, and enjoying the karaoke experience is GOOD!! See? That didn't hurt.

5) Cheer for each performer. One day it could (and should) be you. `Nuff said.

4) Have fun. After all, that's what karaoke is about! LET'S PARTY!!!